Are you stressed out or in pain?
Does it feel like you will never recover from that trauma?
Do you worry and think about things from the past?
Are you addicted and can’t kick your habit?
Have you lived through bombings or through a war?
Have you been the victim of any kind of abuse?

If you said yes to any of the above questions, you are not alone.  Most people walk around stressed out and in pain, because they don’t know how to find relief from the past and their emotions.

Have you ever thought that if you could just get rid of those painful memories, that drag you down, your whole life would change?

I have good news for you. You can let go of those painful emotions and memories and be free of what is bringing you down and destroying your life. You can free yourself of your past and find peace from within.

the proof is in the pudding.

This woman went from












Using techniques such as Faster EFT, NLP, Matrix re-imprinting and time line therapy, I can also  help you release the burdens of your past, so that you can make your life the best that it can be.


I hope you will take the first step to change your life forever.

As an advanced level Faster EFT practitioner who has participated in the workathon in habilitat drug rehabilitation centre, an NLP practitioner, and a therapist with 13 years of experience,  I have the skills to help you create the changes that will change your life.

Get in touch today, I’d LOVE to help you.

Disclaimer: The techniques, processes and ideas on are not considered a substitute for consultation with your professional health care provider. If you have any questions about whether or not to use FasterEFT, consult your physician or licensed mental health practitioner. The information on this web site is of a general nature only, and may not to be used to treat or diagnose any particular disease or any particular person. Viewing this web site does not constitute a professional relationship or professional advice or services. Elana Michelson assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained on The testimonials and opinions expressed by the individuals who contribute content are theirs only. No endorsement or warranty is explicit or implied by any entity connected to this web site of the site content . There is no guarantee that you will have the same results; by viewing these pages you agree to accept complete responsibility for your own health and well being, and release and hold harmless, and its owner who is not liable or responsible for any claim of loss or damage to your or any person arising from any information or suggestion on If you do not agree to these terms, you agree to simply leave this web site.